Hybrid magnonic-oscillator system
A. Hamadeh, D. Breitbach, M. Ender, A. Koujok, M. Mohseni, F. Kohl, J. Maskill, M. Bechberger, and P. Pirro
We propose a hybrid magnonic-oscillator system based on the combination of a spin transfer auto-oscillator and a magnonic waveguide to open new perspectives for spin-wave based circuits. The system is composed of a spin transfer oscillator based on a vortex state which is dipolarly coupled to a nanoscale spin-wave waveguide with longitudinal magnetization. In its auto-oscillating regime, the oscillator emits coherent spin waves with tunable and controllable frequencies, directions, and amplitudes into the waveguide. We demonstrate the principle of this method using micromagnetic simulations and show that reconfiguration of the system is possible by changing the chirality and polarity of the magnetic vortex. Spin waves are emitted into the waveguide with high non-reciprocity and the preferred direction depends on the core polarity of the vortex. In contrast, different vortex chiralities lead to different amplitudes of the emitted waves. Our findings open up a novel way to design an agile spintronic device for the coherent and tunable generation of propagating spin waves.