The role of damping rate amplitude in the synchronization of two coupled oscillators
A. Hamadeh, A. Koujok, I. Medlej, P. Pirro, S. Petit
We investigate the synchronization phenomenon between two Spin-transfer Torque Nano-Oscillators (STNOs) of different frequencies in two pillar systems under vortex configuration detunings or driving frequencies. The oscillators' mutual synchronization occurs through magnetic dipolar interaction. Our micromagnetic simulations show that an amplitude fluctuation referred to as Γp has a significant impact on determining the synchronization frequency. The evolution of frequency and amplitude fluctuation rate in two different oscillator sizes versus external perpendicular field are compared and discussed. Our results reveal that the oscillator with lower Γp, referred to as the "Leader" oscillator, leads the synchronization process. As such, the "follower" oscillator adjusts its frequency as to that of the "Leader", thus achieving synchronization. We believe that taking Γp into consideration can help in controlling synchronization frequencies in future building blocks of any network multi-array spintronics' devices.